Dead Man's Snitch

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Integrating with VictorOps

Dead Man's Snitch will create VictorOps incidents when a Snitch goes missing or errors. Pausing a Snitch will automatically acknowledge the incident on VictorOps. The incident will automatically be resolved when the Snitch starts reporting again.


Integrating with VictorOps is easy and should only take a couple minutes.

  1. Open the VictorOps Dashboard
  2. Navigate to the VictorOps integration settings page
    Settings > Alert Behavior > Integrations
  3. Find and Enable the Dead Man's Snitch integration
  4. Copy the URL to notify
  5. Open the Dead Man's Snitch integrations page
  6. Click the Add button for VictorOps
  7. Paste the URL to notify into the URL field
  8. Replace $routing_key with the correct VictorOps routing key for the escalation policy you want.
  9. Finally, click the Save button
  10. That's it! Dead Man's Snitch will now create and manage incidents when your Snitches go missing or error.